Thursday, January 7, 2010

Key to life

So, it's been a while since I've blogged last, and I have at least one thousand +1 things to blog about. I would like feedback on what everyone believes for this blog and any others. So yes, let me know. Here we go!

At 23 years old, I believe I have found what people call the "purpose/key" to life. On one of my FaceBook status' a while back I put this

" The MOST IMPORTANT thing you will ever do with your life is your relationships. First, your relationship with God through Jesus. Second, your relationships with anyone that is in your path. EVERYTHING else is merely a tool at our disposal to strengthen those relationships."

I would like to break this down a little more.

The time we spend on earth is infinitesimal compared to eternity.

|-Our Lives-|

When we die, we don't take anything with us. Our bodies are left in the ground, and our possessions are left to those in our will (when possible). Our spirits are "transported" to Heaven to live with "I AM".

What do we leave behind?

Our previous possessions, but most importantly, our impact on others, that is all.

What does this mean?

It means that our focuses in life shouldn't be on how many possessions we can collect, or to have the nicest looking car, etc etc. blah blah blah. Our focus shouldn't be on what we have, but who we are to others.

Now, does that mean we shouldn't have any cars, houses, toys?

No, we ARE aloud to have nice things to live comfortably by, we don't need to go into excess with them though. Think about how many families we could feed with the price of a BMW 7 series (Roughly $100,000).

Having these "nice" things shouldn't be our focus, but we can use these things to strengthen our relationships.

Do you have a stable car? Oh you say a friend needs a ride? Well, why not provide one for him?

You have a super sweet nice house and an extra room? This ex-coworker just lost his job, well why not help him out?

Our possessions should be used as tools to help those around us. If you don't have much, I am sure you have a particular set of skills that come in handy at some point. Why not use them for the better good of human kind?

Now to understand our position within a loving relationship, we must first understand what a loving relationship is.

Our relationship with Jesus is nothing, but a loving relationship. For a lot of people in the world, it is a one-way love-relationship, Jesus loves them, yet they do not acknowledge his presence. For us others, it is a two way relationship, yet we fail at times and aren't able to give "all" of our love to Jesus because we don't understand how to.

Jesus died for us when we were still sinners. His love for us has been "ever-present" since the beginning of time. We know how to love others because of his love for us.

What is love? defines love as: 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Those are nice and all, but I define love as:

Continually doing what is better for that person.

If you truly love someone, you will always try to do what is better for that person. It may hurt you, it may even hurt them at times, but if it is for the betterment of their life, you will do it.

With that in mind, Jesus loves us so that we know and understand how to love others. At the same time, if we love Jesus, we will do what is better for Jesus.

What is better for Jesus?

To help bring more people to love him.

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Mathew 28

So again, The most important thing in our life is our relationships. First, the relationship with our personal Savior Jesus Christ. Second, our relationships with anyone in our path known as life. We must use the "tools" we have been given to help strengthen those relationships within our own lives and within the relationships between Jesus and humankind.

I would like some feedback please, from all 3.5 of you!

Jesus loves you and so do I,



  1. Nicely said, Cam. Bravo.

  2. I agree Cam! I would even add that Jesus calls us to love others and sacrifice our own needs. Jesus called the disciples to be fishers of men, and to go out and love others, but they had to give up their own dreams, their families, their comfort and stability at home. And that's a tough call to respond to, but I think that's part of what it means to pursue to the kingdom of God. I am continually challenged by this...

  3. cam your gonna be a great husband one day .... who ever gets u will be lucky!
